Support Poetry Palooza!
Your support is essential in establishing this celebration of poetry and poets as the first in a series of highly anticipated annual events. With your help, you will enrich the climate of arts and culture in Central Iowa. You will demonstrate the importance of humanities in the human experience. And, you will very likely touch the life trajectory of a young poet - on stage or in the audience.
Your generous support of Poetry Palooza will provide in-school performances and related student materials to encourage emerging poets to develop and demonstrate their talent.
Gifts will help cover the expenses of bringing Poets Laureate to our community. You will be supporting event publicity to celebrate Greater Des Moines' cultural atmosphere and commitment to the arts and humanities through outstanding fanfare, social media, and public participation.
Your contribution to Poetry Palooza will enable the printing of programs, awarding of trophies, and potential youth scholarships. You will help make Poetry Palooza an inclusive, educational, and entertaining experience for a diverse audience regardless of personal financial limitations.
Suggested giving levels
Below are opportunities for your commitment to the Greater Des Moines' cultural climate through the support of Poetry Palooza! There are six tax-deductible designated levels of giving. All gifts at any level are appreciated.
$50 to $99
Name listed in the event program and on the website.
$100 to $499
All listed above
Logo in event program and on the website
Invitation to the welcome reception
Two reserved seats at a Poetry Palooza event of your choice
$500 to $1,999
All listed above
Name and logo on some marketing materials
One-fourth page ad in the event program
$2,000 to $4,999
All listed above
Name mentioned at events
One-half page ad in the event program
Four reserved seats at each event
$5,000 to $9,999
All listed above
Full-page ad in the event program
Six reserved seats at each event
Any other item(s) mutually agreed upon
$10,000 and above
All listed above
Two full-page ads in the event program
Any other item(s) mutually agreed upon
To make a donation via check, please print this form and mail it along with a check to:
P.O. Box 13164
Des Moines, IA 50310
Please make the check out to Iowa Poetry Association and place "Poetry Palooza" in the memo line.